11+ Contoh CV Bahasa Inggris & Cara Membuatnya!

Contoh CV Bahasa Inggris
Contoh CV Bahasa Inggris

Jaman yang semakin modern saat ini, ketika mau melamar pekerjaan, banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan seperti halnya membuat CV.

Saat ini CV sangatlah penting karena menjadi nilai ukur perusahaan dalam mendapatkan karyawan, terlebih jika kaliam membuat CV dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Dalam artikel ini, akan disajikan 11+ contoh CV bahasa Inggris yang dapat menjadi referensi bagi kalian dalam membuat CV yang profesional dan menarik.

Setiap contoh CV bahasa Inggris menggambarkan format, struktur, dan konten yang berbeda-beda, sesuai dengan berbagai jenis pekerjaan dan latar belakang pendidikan.

Kalian dapat menemukan contoh CV bahasa Inggris untuk lulusan SMA, mahasiswa, perempuan, bidang akuntansi, perusahaan startup, bank, desainer, dan lainnya.

Melalui contoh-contoh CV bahasa Inggris ini, kalian dapat memperoleh inspirasi untuk membuat CV dalam bahasa Inggris  kalian sendiri yang memaksimalkan potensi dan kualifikasi kalian secara efektif.

Jangan ragu untuk menyesuaikan dan mengkustomisasi setiap contoh CV bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tujuan karir kalian. Dengan menggunakan contoh-contoh ini sebagai panduan, kalian dapat membuat CV dalam bahasa Inggris yang kuat dan mencerminkan diri kalian secara profesional.

Apa itu CV

CV (Curriculum Vitae) merupakan salah satu elemen kunci dalam mencari pekerjaan atau peluang karir yang diinginkan. CV adalah ringkasan tertulis dari informasi pribadi, pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, keterampilan, serta prestasi yang relevan dengan posisi pekerjaan yang sedang kalian lamar.

CV berfungsi sebagai alat untuk menonjolkan diri dan meyakinkan pemberi kerja bahwa kalian adalah kandidat yang tepat untuk posisi yang tersedia.

Mengapa CV Penting?

Pemberi kerja seringkali menerima banyak lamaran pekerjaan dan memiliki waktu terbatas untuk mengevaluasi setiap kandidat secara menyeluruh.

Oleh karena itu, CV yang baik dapat menjadi perbedaan antara diterimanya kalian atau tidak. CV yang baik akan memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang kualifikasi, pengalaman, dan potensi kalian sebagai calon pekerja.

Langkah-langkah Membuat CV dalam Bahasa Inggris

Sebelum kalian membuat CV dalam bahasa Inggris, cek dulu langkah-langkah yang ada dibawah ini sebagai gambaran awal untuk memulainya.

1. Informasi pribadi

Mulailah dengan mencantumkan informasi pribadi kalian di bagian atas CV. Informasi ini biasanya mencakup nama lengkap, alamat, nomor telepon, dan alamat email yang dapat dihubungi.

Pastikan informasi ini terlihat jelas dan mudah dihubungi oleh pemberi kerja potensial.

2. Ringkasan

Ringkasan atau “Professional Summary” adalah bagian awal CV yang memberikan gambaran singkat tentang kemampuan dan pengalaman kerja seseorang.

Ringkasan dalam CV sebaiknya disusun dengan singkat, padat, dan jelas agar dapat memikat perhatian perekrut.

Terlebih, dengan batasan maksimal 300 karakter, termasuk spasi, kalian perlu menghadirkan kalimat yang unik dan menggambarkan nilai-nilai unggul yang dapat kalian tawarkan.

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh ringkasan untuk membuat CV dalam bahasa Inggris:

A pioneer of creativity in content creation with an educational background in Multimedia Technology. Capable of producing engaging and relevant content for digital platforms. Possesses technical knowledge in the field of Multimedia and the ability to combine technical skills with content expertise.

Experienced in managing content projects from start to finish, including planning, writing, editing, and content distribution. Skilled in using content tools and platforms such as content management systems, analytics, and image and video editing.

Dedicated to producing high-quality content that is captivating, inspiring, and has a positive impact. Interested in a career as a content creator in an innovative and dynamic company. Ready to take on new challenges and make a significant contribution in developing compelling and effective content.”

3. Riwayat pendidikan

Pada bagian latar belakang pendidikan, tuliskan pendidikan terakhir atau kedua terakhir. Ingat, jangan mencantumkan pendidikan sejak sekolah dasar atau taman kanak-kanak, karena hal tersebut sudah tidak relevan.

Di bagian pendidikan, berikan informasi tentang universitas dan jurusan yang kalian ambil, tahun kelulusan, dan kegiatan yang kalian ikuti saat kuliah. Kalian juga dapat melengkapi bagian ini dengan nilai IPK atau GPA.

4. Pengalaman kerja

Sekarang saatnya untuk memaparkan pengalaman kerja yang kalian miliki. Tuliskan pengalaman kerja secara kronologis, dimulai dari pekerjaan terakhir kalian.

Untuk setiap posisi, jelaskan tanggung jawab, pencapaian, dan keterampilan yang kalian kembangkan. Berikan detail yang spesifik dan kaitkan dengan pekerjaan yang sedang kalian lamar.

5. Keterampilan dan keahlian

Daftar keterampilan dan keahlian yang relevan dengan posisi yang kalian lamar. Misalnya, jika kalian melamar pekerjaan di bidang pemasaran, sebutkan keterampilan dalam analisis data, pemasaran digital, atau kemampuan komunikasi yang kuat.

Usahakan untuk mengaitkan keterampilan tersebut dengan pengalaman kerja atau pendidikan kalian.

6. Aktivitas ekstrakurikuler dan keanggotaan

Jika kalian aktif dalam organisasi atau kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang relevan dengan pekerjaan yang kalian lamar, cantumkan informasi tersebut.

Aktivitas ekstrakurikuler dapat menunjukkan kepemimpinan, kolaborasi, dan kemampuan organisasi kalian.

7. Referensi

Jelaskan siapa orang yang dapat memberikan rekomendasi tentang kemampuan dan kelayakan kalian untuk mengisi posisi di perusahaan.

Tuliskan nama, posisi, dan kontak orang-orang yang dapat dihubungi untuk memberikan referensi atau menjelaskan pengalaman kerja kalian. Contohnya, manajer dari perusahaan sebelumnya, dosen pembimbing, atau pemimpin tim.

8. Portofolio

Portofolio menjadi kunci dalam meningkatkan nilai CV kalian. Jangan lupa untuk melampirkan tautan atau link portofolio yang akan membawa perekrut pada petualangan menelusuri karya-karya luar biasa yang pernah kalian ciptakan.

Dalam portofolio ini, kalian memiliki kesempatan unik untuk memancarkan kekreatifan, keahlian, dan dedikasi kalian melalui karya-karya yang tak tertandingi.

9. Pencapaian

Pencapaian Di bagian pencapaian, kalian dapat menunjukkan pencapaian-pencapaian yang pernah kalian raih.

Misalnya, menjadi juara dalam sebuah kompetisi, menjadi pembicara dalam acara internasional, dan sebagainya.

Baca Juga : 

Perbedaan CV Dengan Resume

Perbedaan antara CV (Curriculum Vitae) dan resume dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut:

Panjang dan detail:

  • CV: CV cenderung memiliki ukuran yang lebih panjang dan mendetail. Biasanya terdiri dari beberapa halaman, memberikan ruang untuk menggambarkan secara komprehensif seluruh riwayat karir, pendidikan, pengalaman akademis, publikasi, serta prestasi yang pernah dicapai.
  • Resume: Resume memiliki ukuran yang lebih singkat dan padat. Biasanya terdiri dari satu halaman saja, fokus pada menyoroti kualifikasi yang paling relevan dengan posisi yang sedang dilamar.

Tujuan penggunaan:

  • CV: CV umumnya digunakan dalam konteks akademis, penelitian, atau saat melamar posisi di bidang yang membutuhkan informasi detail mengenai latar belakang dan pengalaman seseorang. CV seringkali digunakan untuk melamar posisi akademis, grant penelitian, atau peran profesional yang memerlukan dokumentasi yang lebih lengkap.
  • Resume: Resume umumnya digunakan dalam konteks pencarian pekerjaan di perusahaan. Fokus utamanya adalah untuk menonjolkan pengalaman kerja yang relevan dengan posisi yang sedang dituju.


  • CV: CV mencakup beragam informasi yang luas, seperti pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, pengalaman akademis, publikasi, presentasi, keanggotaan organisasi, penghargaan yang diterima, sertifikat, dan keahlian yang relevan.
  • Resume: Resume hanya memuat informasi yang paling relevan dengan posisi yang dilamar, seperti pengalaman kerja terkini yang berkaitan langsung dengan posisi tersebut, keterampilan kunci yang relevan, prestasi yang signifikan, serta pendidikan yang relevan.

Panjang dokumen:

  • CV: CV dapat memiliki beberapa halaman tergantung pada kompleksitas dan riwayat karir seseorang. CV yang lebih panjang memberikan ruang lebih untuk menjelaskan secara detail semua aspek yang relevan.
  • Resume: Resume umumnya terdiri dari satu halaman, namun terkadang bisa mencapai dua halaman tergantung pada tingkat pengalaman dan relevansi yang dimiliki dengan posisi yang dilamar.

Praktik geografis:

  • CV: Istilah “CV” lebih umum digunakan di negara-negara Eropa dan Australia untuk merujuk pada dokumen yang menjelaskan riwayat hidup seseorang secara detail.
  • Resume: Istilah “resume” lebih umum digunakan di Amerika Serikat dan beberapa negara lainnya untuk merujuk pada dokumen yang menyoroti kualifikasi yang relevan dalam rangka melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan.

Pemahaman yang baik mengenai perbedaan ini akan membantu kalian dalam menyusun dokumen yang sesuai dengan tujuan dan standar yang berlaku.

Selalu disarankan untuk menyesuaikan format dan konten CV atau resume sesuai dengan praktik yang berlaku di negara atau wilayah tempat kalian melamar pekerjaan.

11+ Contoh CV Bahasa Inggris yang Menarik HRD

Setelah kalian mengetahui cara membuat CV dalam bahasa Inggris dan perbedaannya dengan resume, berikut ini disediakan 11+ contoh CV bahasa Inggris yang dapat kalian jadikan referensi dan contoh nyata.

Dengan melihat contoh CV bahasa Inggris ini, kalian bisa memperoleh inspirasi dan ide untuk membuat CV dalam bahasa Inggris yang efektif dan menarik perhatian perekrut.

Setiap contoh CV bahasa Inggris menyesuaikan dengan berbagai latar belakang pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja.

Dengan mempelajari contoh CV bahasa Inggris tersebut, kalian dapat memahami format, struktur, dan informasi yang penting untuk disertakan dalam CV bahasa Inggris kalian.

Jangan lupa untuk menyesuaikan dan mengkustomisasi setiap contoh CV bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan profil kalian sendiri.

1. Contoh CV bahasa Inggris bidang Front-End Enginer

Personal Information:

Name: John Doe

Address: 123 Main Street, City, Country

Phone: +123456789

Email: johndoe@email.com

Summary: Highly skilled Front-end Engineer with 5 years of experience in developing responsive web applications. Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and front-end frameworks such as React and Angular. Exceptional problem-solving skills coupled with a relentless drive to craft intuitive and user-centric interfaces. Adept at fostering effective teamwork and possessing excellent communication prowess, enabling seamless collaboration across cross-functional teams.


  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science University of XYZ, City, Country Graduated in May 2015


  • Programming Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Front-end Frameworks: React, Angular
  • UI/UX Design
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Version Control Systems: Git
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Cross-browser Compatibility
  • Agile Development Methodologies

Work Experience:

  1. Front-end Engineer ABC Tech Company, City, Country January 2016 – Present
    • Harnessing the power of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I skillfully develop and nurture responsive web applications that seamlessly adapt to diverse screen sizes.
    • By closely collaborating with UI/UX designers, I bring their artistic vision to life, transforming it into visually captivating and user-friendly interfaces that leave a lasting impression.
    • Optimize website performance and ensure cross-browser compatibility.
    • Conduct testing and debugging to identify and fix issues in the codebase.
    • Participate in Agile development processes, including daily stand-ups and sprint planning meetings.
  2. Web Developer (Internship) XYZ Solutions, City, Country June 2015 – December 2015
    • Assisting in the Development of Web Applications: Unleashing the Potential of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    • Worked closely with the development team to implement new features and enhance existing functionality.
    • Conducted website testing and resolved compatibility issues.


  1. E-commerce Website
    • Developed a responsive e-commerce website using React and integrated payment gateways for secure transactions.
    • Implemented user authentication and authorization functionalities.
    • Optimized website performance and improved loading speed.
  2. Travel Blogging Platform
    • Created a blogging platform using Angular where users can share their travel experiences and upload photos.
    • Implemented a comment system and integrated social media sharing features.
    • Ensured mobile responsiveness and cross-browser compatibility.


  • Front-end Web Development Certification, Online Platform XYZ, 2016
  • UI/UX Design Fundamentals, Online Course ABC, 2017


  • English (Fluent)
  • Spanish (Intermediate)

Catatan : Itulah contoh CV bahasa Inggris untuk kalian yang ingin melamar kerja di bidang Frond-end Enginer web development. Namun kalian juga bisa menyesuaikan sendiri contoh CV bahasa Inggris Frond-end Enginer.

2. Contoh CV bahasa Inggris berpengalaman kerja

Personal Information:

Full Name: John Doe

Date of Birth: January 1, 1990

Address: 123 Main Street, City, Country

Phone: +1 123-456-7890

Email: johndoe@example.com

Profile Summary: A highly motivated and experienced professional with a strong background in web development and a passion for creating innovative and user-friendly applications. Possesses extensive knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with a proven track record of successfully delivering high-quality projects. Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to work efficiently both independently and in a team.

Work Experience:

1. Senior Web Developer XYZ Company, City, Country January 2015 – Present

  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and maintain responsive web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Implemented best practices for code optimization and performance improvement, resulting in enhanced user experience and faster loading times.
  • Led the development of a major website revamp, incorporating modern design principles and ensuring seamless integration with backend systems.
  • Conducted thorough testing and debugging to identify and resolve issues, ensuring the delivery of error-free applications.
  • Mentored junior developers and provided technical guidance, fostering a collaborative and growth-oriented work environment.
  • Stayed updated with the latest industry trends and emerging technologies, continuously improving skills and knowledge.

2. Web Developer ABC Company, City, Country March 2012 – December 2014

  • Developed and maintained front-end components of web applications, focusing on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript implementation.
  • Collaborated closely with designers and backend developers to ensure the seamless integration of UI/UX designs and functionality.
  • Utilized responsive design techniques for optimal performance on different devices and screen sizes.
  • Conducted regular code reviews to ensure coding standards and best practices were followed.
  • Actively participated in project planning and brainstorming sessions, providing valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.
  • Assisted in troubleshooting and resolving technical issues, contributing to the successful delivery of projects within deadlines.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science University Name, City, Country Graduation Year: 2011


  • Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Experience with front-end frameworks (e.g., React, Angular)
  • Knowledge of responsive design and mobile development
  • Strong problem-solving and debugging skills
  • Familiarity with version control systems (e.g., Git)
  • Excellent communication and teamwork abilities

Catatan : Itulah contoh CV bahasa Inggris untuk kalian yang ingin melamar kerja dengan pengalaman kerja yang sudah dimiliki. Namun kalian juga bisa menyesuaikan sendiri contoh CV bahasa Inggris berpengalaman kerja sesuai pengalaman kalian.

Baca Juga : 

3. Contoh CV bahasa Inggris lulusan SMA

Personal Information:

Full Name: Jane Smith

Date of Birth: February 15, 2000

Address: 456 Oak Street, City, Country

Phone: +1 987-654-3210

Email: janesmith@example.com

Profile Summary: A highly motivated and dedicated high school graduate with a strong interest in pursuing a career in [mention desired field]. Possesses a solid foundation in [relevant skills/subjects] gained through academic studies. Demonstrates excellent problem-solving abilities, strong attention to detail, and a proactive attitude towards learning and professional growth.


High School Diploma XYZ High School, City, Country Graduation Year: 2018


  • Proficient in [mention relevant skills/subjects]
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Excellent written and verbal communication abilities
  • Detail-oriented with a strong focus on accuracy
  • Expert in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Fast learner with a strong work ethic

Projects and Achievements:

  • Completed a senior project on [topic], demonstrating research, analytical, and presentation skills.
  • Actively participated in extracurricular activities, showcasing leadership and teamwork abilities.
  • Achieved academic excellence, consistently maintaining high grades throughout high school.

Internship/Work Experience: None (as of now)

Volunteer Experience:

  • Assisted in organizing charity events for [name of organization], contributing to the success of fundraising initiatives.
  • Volunteered at a local community center, providing support and assistance to staff members during events and activities.

Additional Information:

  • Fluent in [languages, if applicable]
  • Enthusiastic about continuing education and gaining practical experience in [desired field]
  • Strong passion for [mention relevant interests or hobbies]

Catatan : Itulah contoh CV bahasa Inggris untuk kalian yang ingin melamar kerja tapi baru lulus SMA dan belum mempunyai pengalaman kerja. Namun kalian juga bisa menyesuaikan sendiri contoh CV bahasa Inggris lulusan SMA tanpa pengalaman kerja, bisa kalian gantikan dengan project atau pencapaian kalian serta pengalaman organisasi.

4. Contoh CV bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMK

Personal Information:

Full Name: Andrew Thompson

Date of Birth: June 5, 2001

Address: 789 Elm Street, City, Country

Phone: +1 876-543-2109

Email: andrewthompson@example.com

Profile Summary: A motivated and skilled high school graduate with a specialization in [mention field of study]. Possesses a strong technical foundation gained through practical hands-on experience and coursework. Demonstrates a keen eye for detail, problem-solving abilities, and a commitment to continuous learning and professional growth.


High School Diploma XYZ Technical High School, City, Country Graduation Year: 2020

Field of Study: [Mention the field of study, e.g., Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, etc.]


  • Proficient in [mention relevant technical skills or software]
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Excellent attention to detail and precision
  • Effective communication and teamwork abilities
  • Knowledge of [mention specific subjects or technologies relevant to the field]

Projects and Achievements:

  • Completed a comprehensive senior project, demonstrating technical skills, research abilities, and project management capabilities.
  • Received recognition for outstanding performance in [mention subject or project].
  • Participated in technical competitions and achieved commendable results.

Internship/Work Experience:

  • Intern, XYZ Company, City, Country
    • Assisted in [mention tasks or responsibilities]
    • Gained practical experience in [mention specific areas or skills]


  • [List any relevant certifications or training courses completed]

Volunteer Experience:

  • Volunteered at [name of organization], providing technical support and assistance during events and workshops.

Additional Information:

  • Proficient in [mention any additional relevant skills or software]
  • Strong passion for [mention relevant interests or hobbies]
  • Open to continuous learning and professional development in the field of [mention field of study]

Catatan : Itulah contoh CV bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 12 SMK atau yang baru lulus sekolah. Namun kalian juga bisa menyesuaikan sendiri contoh CV bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMK sesuai hal-hal yang kalian miliki seperti skill, magang dan lain-lain.

5. Contoh curriculum vitae bahasa Inggris bidang Akuntansi

Personal Information:

Full Name: Lisa Anderson

Date of Birth: June 15, 1990

Address: 456 Oak Street, City, Country

Phone: +1 987-654-3210

Email: lisaanderson@example.com

Profile Summary: A detail-oriented and highly organized accounting professional with expertise in financial analysis, bookkeeping, and budgeting. Possesses strong analytical skills and a meticulous approach to data management. Demonstrates proficiency in accounting software and a solid understanding of accounting principles and regulations.


Bachelor of Science in Accounting University Name, City, Country Graduation Year: 2012


  • Proficient in financial analysis and reporting
  • Strong knowledge of accounting principles and regulations
  • Skilled in budgeting, forecasting, and variance analysis
  • Experience with accounting software (e.g., QuickBooks, SAP)
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities
  • Able to use Microsoft Excel and other Office Suite tools

Work Experience:

1. Accountant ABC Company, City, Country Dates of Employment

  • Responsible for maintaining accurate financial records and preparing financial statements.
  • Conducted regular analysis of financial data, identifying trends and providing recommendations for improvement.
  • Assisted in the preparation of annual budgets and forecasts, monitoring performance against targets.
  • Collaborated with internal teams to ensure compliance with accounting standards and procedures.
  • Prepared and filed tax returns and assisted with audits.
  • Implemented efficient bookkeeping processes to streamline operations.

2. Accounting Intern XYZ Firm, City, Country Dates of Employment

  • Assisted in various accounting tasks, including accounts payable and accounts receivable.
  • Performed reconciliations and assisted in month-end closing procedures.
  • Prepared financial reports and supported the team in financial analysis.
  • Take part in the implementation of new accounting software.
  • Conducted research on accounting regulations and best practices.


  • [List any relevant certifications or professional qualifications]

Projects and Achievements:

  • [Mention notable projects or achievements related to accounting]

Catatan : Itulah contoh CV bahasa Inggris untuk kalian yang ingin melamar kerja di bagian Akuntansi. Namun kalian juga bisa menyesuaikan sendiri mengenai pengalaman kerja, skill dan lainnya dari contoh CV bahasa Inggris bidang Akuntansi diatas.

6. Contoh curriculum vitae bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa

Personal Information:

Full Name: John Davis

Date of Birth: May 20, 1998

Address: 789 Elm Street, City, Country

Phone: +1 876-543-2109

Email: johndavis@example.com

Profile Summary: A dedicated and driven student with a strong academic background and a passion for continuous learning. Possesses excellent time management and organizational skills, as well as effective communication and teamwork abilities. Demonstrates a proactive approach to personal and professional development.


Bachelor of Arts in [Field of Study] University Name, City, Country Expected Graduation Year: 2022


  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Strong research and analytical abilities
  • Expert in operating Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Effective time management and organizational skills
  • Ability to work independently and in a team
  • Strong problem-solving and critical-thinking skills

Work Experience:

  • [List any relevant work experience or internships]

Projects and Achievements:

  • [Mention notable projects or achievements during your studies]

Leadership Experience:

  • [Highlight any leadership roles or involvement in student organizations]

Volunteer Experience:

  • [Mention any volunteer work or community involvement]


  • Fluent in [mention languages]
  • Proficient in [mention other languages]

Additional Skills:

  • [Include additional relevant skills or certifications]

Catatan : Itulah contoh CV bahasa Inggris untuk kalian yang ingin melamar kerja yang baru lulus kuliah. Namun kalian juga bisa menyesuaikan sendiri mengenai skill dan pengalaman organisasi dari contoh CV bahasa Inggris mahasiswa.

Baca Juga : 

7. Contoh curriculum vitae bahasa Inggris Desainer

Personal Information:

Full Name: Emily Wilson

Date of Birth: September 10, 1995

Address: 123 Maple Avenue, City, Country

Phone: +1 234-567-8901

Email: emilywilson@example.com

Profile Summary: A creative and innovative designer with a strong passion for visual communication and problem-solving. Possesses expertise in various design software and a keen eye for aesthetics. Demonstrates effective collaboration skills and the ability to transform ideas into visually compelling designs.


Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design University Name, City, Country Graduation Year: 2018


  • Highly skilled in Adobe Creative Suite, specializing in Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign
  • Strong understanding of design principles and typography
  • Experience with UI/UX design and prototyping tools
  • Knowledge of print and digital design techniques
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Thrives in high-pressure environments and adept at meeting challenging deadlines.

Work Experience:

1. Graphic Designer ABC Design Studio, City, Country Dates of Employment

  • Collaborated with clients to understand their design needs and goals.
  • Created visually engaging graphics for print and digital media, including branding materials, brochures, social media assets, and website designs.
  • Implemented UI/UX best practices to enhance user experience and engagement.
  • Collaborated closely with the marketing team to craft and implement engaging creative campaigns.
  • Managed multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring timely delivery and high-quality designs.

2. Freelance Designer Self-employed Dates of Employment

  • Collaborated with various clients to develop unique and impactful designs.
  • Created custom logos, business cards, and promotional materials.
  • Provided creative solutions and recommendations to meet clients’ design objectives.
  • Managed client communication, project timelines, and deliverables independently.


  • [List any relevant certifications or specialized design training]

Projects and Achievements:

  • [Mention notable design projects or achievements]

Portfolio: [Include a link to your online portfolio or attach a PDF portfolio]

Catatan : Itulah contoh CV bahasa Inggris untuk kalian yang ingin melamar kerja di bidang Desainer. Kalian juga bisa menyesuaikan sendiri mengenai pengalaman kerja kalian dan skill yang dimiliki dan tidak harus sama persis seperti contoh CV bahasa Inggris desainer.

8. Contoh CV bahasa Inggris jurusan Manajemen

Personal Information:

Full Name: Jessica Roberts

Date of Birth: November 15, 1990

Address: 456 Oak Street, City, Country

Phone: +1 987-654-3210

Email: jessicaroberts@example.com

Profile Summary: A dedicated and results-oriented management professional with a strong foundation in various aspects of business management. Possesses excellent leadership, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Demonstrates effective communication and interpersonal abilities, coupled with a passion for driving organizational success.


Bachelor of Business Administration in Management University Name, City, Country Graduation Year: 2012


  • Proficient in strategic planning and organizational management
  • Strong understanding of business operations and processes
  • Excellent leadership and team management abilities
  • Effective communication and presentation skills
  • Skilled in data analysis and problem-solving
  • Skilled in operating Microsoft Office Suite, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Work Experience:

1. Management Trainee XYZ Company, City, Country Dates of Employment

  • Rotated through various departments to gain a comprehensive understanding of business operations.
  • Assisted in developing and implementing strategic plans and initiatives.
  • Worked collaboratively with diverse teams to streamline processes and boost productivity.
  • Performed market research and analysis to uncover growth opportunities.
  • Assisted in project management and monitored progress to ensure timely completion.

2. Assistant Manager ABC Corporation, City, Country Dates of Employment

  • Supervised and motivated a team of employees to achieve departmental goals.
  • Assisted in budget planning and resource allocation.
  • Monitored performance metrics and implemented strategies to improve efficiency.
  • Coordinated with external vendors and partners to ensure smooth operations.
  • Conducted employee training and development programs.


  • [Highlighted Certifications and Professional Development Courses]

Projects and Achievements:

  • [Mention notable projects or achievements related to management]


  • Fluent in English
  • Proficient in [mention other languages]

Catatan : Itulah contoh CV bahasa Inggris untuk kalian yang ingin melamar kerja di bidang manajemen di perusahaan. Kalian juga bisa menyesuaikan sendiri mengenai pengalaman kerja kalian dan skill yang dimiliki dan tidak harus sama persis seperti contoh CV bahasa Inggris manajemen.

9. Contoh CV bahasa Inggris perusahaan Startup

Personal Information:

Full Name: Sarah Johnson

Date of Birth: January 5, 1993

Address: 123 Startup Lane, City, Country

Phone: +1 234-567-8901

Email: sarahjohnson@example.com

Profile Summary: A dynamic and entrepreneurial-minded professional with a strong passion for startups and innovation. Possesses a solid understanding of the startup ecosystem and thrives in fast-paced, ever-changing environments. Demonstrates strong problem-solving skills and a creative approach to business development and growth.


Bachelor of Business Administration University Name, City, Country Graduation Year: 2015


  • Entrepreneurial mindset and a strong passion for startups
  • Strategic thinking and business development abilities
  • Proficient in market research and analysis
  • Strong communication and presentation skills
  • Creative problem-solving and adaptability
  • Knowledge of lean startup methodologies

Work Experience:

1. Business Development Associate XYZ Startup, City, Country Dates of Employment

  • Conducted market research and analysis to identify target markets and customer segments.
  • Developed and maintained relationships with potential clients, partners, and investors.
  • Assisted in creating and implementing strategic business development plans.
  • Participated in pitching and presenting to potential stakeholders.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to drive product development and market expansion.

2. Startup Intern ABC Innovation Lab, City, Country Dates of Employment

  • Assisted in conducting market research and competitor analysis.
  • Assisted in crafting and executing marketing strategies
  • Contributed to brainstorming sessions and ideation workshops.
  • Assisted in organizing startup events and networking sessions.
  • Provided administrative support to the startup team.


  • [List any relevant certifications or courses related to startups or entrepreneurship]

Projects and Achievements:

  • [Highlight any notable startup projects or achievements]


  • Fluent in English
  • Proficient in [mention other languages]

Baca Juga : 

10. Contoh CV bahasa Inggris Perbankan

Personal Information:

Full Name: David Anderson

Date of Birth: February 12, 1990

Address: 456 Bank Street, City, Country

Phone: +1 987-654-3210 Email: davidanderson@example.com

Profile Summary: A detail-oriented and customer-focused professional with a strong background in banking operations. Possesses excellent analytical skills and a deep understanding of financial products and services. Demonstrates exceptional interpersonal skills and the ability to build strong relationships with clients.


Bachelor of Commerce in Finance University Name, City, Country Graduation Year: 2012


  • Strong knowledge of banking regulations and compliance
  • Proficient in financial analysis and risk assessment
  • Excellent customer service and relationship management abilities
  • Skilled in using banking software and systems
  • Effective communication and presentation skills
  • Strong attention to detail and accuracy

Work Experience:

1. Bank Teller ABC Bank, City, Country Dates of Employment

  • Processed customer transactions accurately and efficiently.
  • Assisted customers with inquiries, account openings, and account maintenance.
  • Actively marketed and upsold a range of banking products and services to customers.
  • Maintained strict adherence to banking policies, procedures, and regulations.
  • Handled cash and balanced daily transactions.

2. Customer Service Representative XYZ Bank, City, Country Dates of Employment

  • Provided exceptional customer service, resolving customer issues and inquiries.
  • Assisted customers with account inquiries, online banking, and financial transactions
  • Provided informative guidance to customers regarding diverse banking products and services
  • Handled customer complaints and worked towards their resolution.
  • Maintained accurate customer records and documentation.


  • [List any relevant certifications or courses related to banking or finance]

Projects and Achievements:

  • [Mention any notable projects or achievements related to the banking industry]


  • Fluent in English
  • Proficient in [mention other languages]

11. Contoh CV bahasa Inggris simpel dan sederhana

Personal Information:

Full Name: John Smith

Date of Birth: January 1, 1990

Address: 123 Main Street, City, Country

Phone: +1 123-456-7890

Email: johnsmith@example.com


  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration University Name, City, Country Graduation Year: 2012


  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Skilled in operating Microsoft Office Suite, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • Detail-oriented with excellent organizational abilities
  • Effective problem-solving and analytical skills
  • Adaptability and willingness to learn

Work Experience: 1. Sales Associate ABC Company, City, Country Dates of Employment

  • Assisted customers with product inquiries and purchases.
  • Maintained a clean and organized store environment.
  • Managed cash transactions and operated the cash register efficiently.
  • Worked together with colleagues to reach sales goals as a team.

2. Intern XYZ Organization, City, Country Dates of Employment

  • Supported various departments with administrative tasks.
  • Assisted in organizing events and meetings.
  • Conducted research and compiled data for reports.
  • Contributed to team projects and presentations.


  • [Highlighted Certifications and Professional Development Courses]


  • Fluent in English
  • Proficient in [mention other languages]

12. Contoh CV bahasa Inggris data scientist

Personal Information:

Full Name: Emily Davis

Date of Birth: March 15, 1992

Address: 789 Data Science Lane, City, Country

Phone: +1 987-654-3210

Email: emilydavis@example.com

Profile Summary: A highly skilled and analytical data scientist with a strong background in statistical analysis, machine learning, and data visualization. Possesses a deep understanding of data-driven decision-making and a proven track record in solving complex business problems. Demonstrates excellent programming skills and a passion for exploring and uncovering insights from large datasets.


Master of Science in Data Science University Name, City, Country Graduation Year: 2018


  • Proficient in statistical analysis and data modeling
  • Expertise in machine learning algorithms and techniques
  • Skilled in Python, R, and SQL programming.
  • Data visualization and storytelling using tools like Tableau, Power BI
  • Familiarity with big data frameworks like Hadoop and Spark
  • Excellent problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities

Work Experience:

1. Data Scientist ABC Company, City, Country Dates of Employment

  • Analyzed complex datasets to extract actionable insights and provide data-driven recommendations.
  • Developed and implemented predictive models to forecast key business metrics.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to identify data requirements and ensure successful project execution.
  • Conducted data cleaning, transformation, and feature engineering to optimize model performance.
  • Communicated findings and insights to stakeholders through clear and compelling visualizations.

2. Data Science Intern XYZ Organization, City, Country Dates of Employment

  • Supported data collection, cleaning, and preprocessing activities.
  • Performed data exploration to uncover patterns and trends.
  • Assisted in developing and evaluating machine learning models.
  • Assisted in the implementation of data visualization dashboards.

  • Participated in team meetings and contributed to data-driven discussions.


  • [List any relevant certifications or courses in data science or related fields]

Projects and Achievements:

  • [Highlight any notable projects or achievements related to data science]


  • Fluent in English
  • Proficient in [mention other languages]

Dalam artikel ini, telah disajikan 11+ contoh CV bahasa Inggris yang dapat menjadi referensi bagi kalian dalam menyusun CV kalian sendiri.

Setiap contoh CV bahasa Inggris menyesuaikan dengan berbagai bidang pekerjaan dan tingkat pengalaman, seperti lulusan SMA, mahasiswa, perempuan, bidang akuntansi, perusahaan startup, bank, desainer, dan lainnya.

Tiap contoh CV bahasa Inggris mencakup informasi pribadi, pendidikan, pengalaman kerja, keahlian, sertifikasi, proyek, serta referensi. Anda dapat mengadaptasi dan menyesuaikan contoh-contoh tersebut sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan profil kalian sendiri.

Pastikan untuk menambahkan informasi dan prestasi yang relevan serta menyoroti keahlian khusus kalian. Dengan menggunakan contoh CV bahasa Inggis ini sebagai panduan, diharapkan kalian dapat menyusun CV yang efektif dan menarik perhatian perekrut potensial.

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